Wednesday 18 November 2009

Student Immigration: 'The new points system'

The UK is facing in 45 years one of the biggest shake-ups in ‘Immigration’, the new ‘points-scheme’ system targets to strengthen its control on immigrants and international students coming into the country.

Originated from the Australian ‘points scheme’ system, where only the most skilled and beneficial migrants would be accepted into the Australian border with the intention of contributing to the growth in development of the, still young and new, country.
The ‘points-system’ in the UK is currently a new law that had been carried forward at the beginning of 2009. Its objective is to retain the existing UK migrants and welcoming immigrants that obtain valuable skills for the succession of maintaining Britain’s status on the succession ladder in Finance, Business and Technological innovation. It also intends to help target and the cut down on bogus institutions accepting illegal immigrants posing as students and targeting employers employing illegal immigrants, whom haven’t applied for a licence. The ‘points-scheme’ comes under Tier 4 ‘education department’ of the UK Border Agency; planning on only accepting students whom have undertaken certain regulations before admittance into the UK.
Students are required to have proceeded with the following:
· A certificate of sponsorship from their sponsors (intended place of University/college with a licence)
· Present a valid passport and a valid photograph
· Evidence of commitment of study
· Evidence of self support for a duration of 1 year
· Application form, obtained from Embassy/consulate
· Finger print Visa – this new system is 1st line of defence in stamping out illegal immigrants by identifying people before they cross the border. 1 fingerprint can be compared to 8,000 others on one system, allowing this procedure to be an efficient, successful device.
The fingerprint visa has been approved for the purpose of strengthening the population restrictions of the UK and it status/reputation against other countries.
Charles Clarke from the Labour Party states: “ The UK needs a world class system……while at the same time being more robust against abuse”.
In this statement it mentions the quality of the country being able to prepare itself to withstand stresses and pressures that might impose it. This suggests the necessity factor of which the new fingerprint visa will be enforcing.

The UK has had to face a high percentage of rejections from the vetting process of educational institutions; it has already seen from 2,100 applied licences, 460 applications were not accepted. This is due to bogus institutions allowing asylums into the UK posing as international students and having a place of study to get past going through the application for working Visa and strict regulations. Although it has its optimistic values for the country, it does bear some problems to the UK citizens, one of the regulations for immigrants and migrants requires ID cards do not only apply to them, but to UK citizens also. An argument has risen from this intention that the country not only controls a watchful eye on the border control, but has the ability to spy on UK citizens, in order, to run a country of long-lasting leadership and fair regime. This imposes a ludicrous regulation on the operations carried through by the government and its interaction with its society (a negative connotation on the ‘Points-system’).
“The current open-door policy and unrestricted, uncontrolled immigration…”

A quote from the BNP suggests a biased opinion on how easy flowing the immigration regulations were in the UK border controls. This is clearly not the seen or experienced procedure, with the new law restrictions carried forward. I state this in conjunction to a recent interview with an anonymous immigrant who came to the UK without a working visa and is going through the difficult procedure of gaining one. I questioned on the own personal experience of the matter at hand, his response suggested a clear reaction to the ‘points-system’ not being a discarded open window to possible prospects.
“ Extremely difficult process and very little support from the UBA (UK Border Agency). In the end you are forced to seek legal advice to get answers or assistance”.
The ‘points-system’ states that immigrants coming into the UK are required to apply for a visa in the country from which they will be migrating. Its diligent administration on the numbers of people coming in and out of the country, allows a comfortable amount in, in which will imply beneficiaries to the country. Australia, America and other countries apply to this as they are developing at a rate of increased, constant development and necessitate prospering factors.

The link to student immigration and political correctness, which is in matter to our topic change, has a substantially small connection. Requiring valid image base sources were hard to come by and anything with a related value was not strong enough to link up with area of topic.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to say this point system is quite new I think. Lets see how students react on it. Because many students are looking for the immigration and they are already facing many steps of verification.
